Removing Make Up Stains On My Dress

Despite the fact that we like it or not, sometimes makeup goes on our clothing. The problem is that such stain does not come out in the regular wash cycle in most of the cases. Because of the cosmetics particular content, the staining quickly can become
permanent, especially if we don’t treat it appropriately and as soon as possible. However, removing the stains is not that difficult if they are caught early and treated while they are still fresh.
This is a tricky one because make ups are made using some different ingredients including oils, pigments, and waxes. However, makeup stains do not have to mean the end of the world. Here are some stain removal tips that will ensure the ultimate in gentle fabric care while also getting rid of the mark for good.
Below are tips to help you remove makeup stains from your dress
*Removing non-oily makeup stains
For eye shadow and blush, you should gently brush the powder off of the clothing. You can use a baby wipe too. After that, launder as normal.
*Next, use a dish detergent or shampoo on oily stains.
Lightly blot out the stain with the detergent or shampoo and a little bit of water until the stain is removed. Again, launder as usual after the stain is completely removed.
*To handle with more stubborn stains, first dab at it with a non-oily makeup remover on a soft cloth. Do not rub the material not to set the stain and make it spread to other areas.
The following step is to rub in mineral oil to loosen up stubborn stains like the ones from a red lipstick. Let it sit on the spot for about 20 minutes and lightly dab at the spot with ammonia afterward. Treat the stained area with a small amount of liquid dish detergent and launder as usual.
*Always check your items
Check for any marks left before putting your dress in the dryer. The heat from it will set the stain making it virtually impossible to remove.
*Rubbing alcohol
This should be your first port of call as it is both versatile and fast-acting. Contrary to
its name, you should avoid rubbing it into the stain as this will cause it to spread further. Instead, pour a small amount of the alcohol onto a cloth and use it to dab the stain away.
Hairspray does a whole lot more than only keeping mom’s hair looking great – it can also assist in ridding your favorite garments of blemishes caused by lipstick. Spray some directly onto the stain and let it sit for 15 minutes, then moisten a clean cloth and try to wipe the mark away. If this does not work, repeat until the stain has lifted and then wash in a hot cycle in the washing machine.
This is a cheap and effective solution when it comes to getting rid of a variety of fabric stains. Before applying it to the affected garment, use a paper towel to blot at the mark and remove as much of the lipstick residue as possible. Next, pour some ammonia onto a cotton ball and then dab at the stain. It should lift effortlessly and begin to fade. To get rid of the mark entirely, wash by hand in warm water using an appropriate washing powder.
*Laundry detergent
This alone probably won’t solve the problem unless the stain is a tiny one. However,
it works well as a pretreatment or as an added safety measure after you have
already treated the mark with rubbing alcohol, ammonia or hairspray. Soak the
stain in the laundry detergent for a few hours before washing as normal.
*Using club soda to remove stains.
Pour some soda on the stains and let it blow up. Keep applying it till the color of the stain vanishes. Now just let the dress dry up completely. With the help of paper towel clean the seltzer which must have spilled on the surrounding surface.
*The salt method.
Cover dress in a thickened layer of the table- salt. Salt is ultimate for wine stain removal as it absorbs the wine and it can also be brushed away in an hour’s time. It is also the best dress softener.
*The club soda and salt method.
Do not let the stain dry up. Pour some soda on the stain. Now pour some salt on the stain so that the reddish color is not visible anymore. Wait till the time dress completely dries up. Then scrape salt away.
*The milk method.
Blot the excess red wine with the help of a towel. But do not rub it. Blot or pour stain with the aid of milk. Pour as much milk as possible so that it soaks in a stain. The stain will be gone in no more than an hour. It is also the best dress softener.
* Hydrogen peroxide and soap method.
Blot the wine away from the dress with the help of cloth or towel. But make sure you do not rub it. Mix exactly equal parts of soap and Hydrogen Peroxide which are a very safe way for removing stains from clothes. Blot this mixture on the stain and then blot it with a dry towel. Continue doing it till the stain goes away.
*The method of hot water.
Boil the water thoroughly. Stretch your dress on the pan. Now stand on a chair & pour the hot water on the dress.
The secret of makeup stain removal from clothes is to have what you need on hand. Whether you pre-treat or wash your item of clothing as soon as trouble lands, you’ll want to be prepared with a variety of solutions to fit the bill. You’ll find a variety of products on your grocery store shelves, from pre-treat stain removers to sticks that do the same job. Choose one or two that work for you, depending on the occasion and the type of fabric.
Most products also work in all types of water, and in cold and hot water, so you can still save money and energy when you do the washing.
When you know how to make life easier for yourself using these expert tips, laundry day need not be a stressful experience any longer. Now that you know how to get rid of makeup stains, You just need the natural ingredients which are available easily at your home.