How Long Can Bacteria Stay On Clothes?
How Long Can Bacteria Stay On Clothes? In these challenging times due to superbugs and the pandemic, we all are now much more conscious than before of bacteria on clothes. Not just our hands but the bacteria that lies on our clothes can make a significant impact on our health.
What we can do from our end is to take more precautions and follow good practices for the best results. this way we can keep our near and dear ones safe. As of now, we all are aware of the common steps that should be considered to ensure there is no exposure to bacteria in our homes and public places.
Precautions such as washing our hands regularly, using sanitizers when we come into contact with anything, and wiping down surfaces with alcohol-based cleaning agents are common and should be followed by everyone for the best results. the question which arises now is what we can do without our fabrics to keep them safe from bacteria.
Several precautions like laundry dry cleaning services can be taken to ensure our clothes are disinfected and there are no chances of attracting bacteria. Some of the steps taken are mentioned below.
Washing our clothes:
One of the most common techniques used by plenty of people is to wash the clothes in the washing machine at high temperatures to eliminate all the bacteria. The problems with this technique are that the quality of the fabric starts to deteriorate early when washing clothes at a higher temperature.
Boiling clothes in hot water:
Another common technique used by many is to put the clothes in boiling water to eliminate the bacteria. This procedure also spoils the fabric of the clothes. Boiling your clothes to a high degree eliminates the bacteria but can spoil the fabric of our clothes.
Using detergents and disinfectants:
Another very common technique is to wash our clothes with the help of detergents or disinfectants to eliminate bacteria. We generally wash our clothes the same way but due to the rising fear of the ongoing pandemic people are now washing their clothes after every use which in return can spoil the fabric of the clothes.
All the above techniques have one thing in common which is it spoils the fabric of the clothes and reduces the life of your precious clothes and is thus not advised. This may also shrink the cloth or bleach out the color of your fabric due to excess exposure to heat, detergents, or disinfectants.
What can be the way to avoid our clothes from getting tampered with and at the same time keeping them clean by eliminating all the bacteria.
How long can germs live in our clothes:
One often most asked question in recent times is how long do the germs stay in our clothes. This question has gained immense popularity especially after the rise of the pandemic worldwide.
Several germs may stay on our clothes indefinitely until we wash them or give them for dry cleaning services. The lifespan of germs and bacteria can vary from one to another which is a great concern for most of the people who have to go out to work each day.
Some of the common germs and bacteria that stay on our clothes.
Salmonella and campylobacter:
These types of germs and bacteria stay on our clothes for about four hours to the maximum and can survive for more than 50 days in a row.
These types of viruses are believed to stay on our clothes which is a great concern. Several studies state that these types of viruses can last several months.
Influenza virus:
It is one of the most common and is believed to stay in our clothes for around one or two days.
Cold Virus:
These types of viruses stay on our clothes for seven days. The cold virus after 24 hours loses its ability to infect.
Keeping the above viruses in mind it is essential to maintain proper hygiene for the best results. viruses and bacteria live on soft surfaces and clothes but what is to be noticed is that there are several conditions on which the survival of these germs and bacteria on clothes depends.
How long germs and bacteria can survive on clothes.
The type of fabric:
The type of fabric plays a significant effect on how long germs can stay on clothes. Cotton clothes germs and bacteria tend to stay for long. This is because cotton clothes have a very high surface area and can hold on to the residual water. On the other hand, germs and bacteria cannot stay longer on polyester clothes as they do not absorb much water.
The cleanliness of the fabric:
The cleanliness of the fabric plays a vital role in determining how long germs and bacteria can survive on it. newer and cleaner fabrics do not allow bacteria to survive in them for long whereas old and worn fabrics have hidden germs and dirt that can increase the longevity of survival of the bacteria.
The humidity:
Humidity is another factor that plays a vital role in the survival of germs and bacteria. Humidity encourages germs and bacteria to survive for longer and can also help in their growth. It is always advisable to keep clothes away from humidity for the best results.
There are certain procedures to be followed while washing your clothes in the washing machine to ensure all the germs and bacteria are eliminated.
Firstly, ensure that the temperature is a minimum of 60 degrees or higher for the best results. use bleach-based washing powder to clean your clothes to ensure all the germs and bacteria are eliminated. Use it with your detergent for the best results.
How Long Can Bacteria Stay On Clothes? – Conclusion:
The duration of bacteria on clothes depends generally on the type of fabric and the condition of the clothes. Besides, several bacteria can last longer on clothes whereas some can live for not more than 24 hours.
A detailed study and research on different types of bacteria and germs on clothes are mentioned above. Refer to the above points to ensure you are safe from bacteria during these challenging times.