Can Old Carpet Make You Sick?

Can Old Carpet Make You Sick? Yes, old carpets can make you sick. Old carpets can aggravate the existing health issues and can cause new ones. We all know that a clean indoor environment contributes to both our physical and mental health.
However, when you have old and dirty carpets in your home, you cannot expect a clean indoor environment. Dirty carpets will pollute your indoor air. Also, old carpets attract more dust and dirt compared to new ones.
Even if old carpets appear refreshed and clean, they might have microbes, bacteria, and pet germs. All these are going to impact your health. Old carpets can harm you in many ways. They will impact the look and feel of your home.
Also, they can cause many different types of health complications. In the following “Can Old Carpet Make You Sick?”, we will cover some health issues that you might experience if you have old and dirty carpets in your home.
Causes Respiratory Issues

Dust and dirt can aggravate any respiratory issues. Old carpets harbor a lot of things such as bacteria, pet allergies, toxins, dust, dander, mold, and germs. All these are going to impact your respiratory system.
If you have asthma or any other respiratory issues, an old carpet can aggravate them. You can experience breathing difficulties. Also, dust and dirt can cause coughs even in healthy people. Old carpets will pollute your indoor air. As a result, you cannot breathe in the fresh air.
Makes Your Immunity Weak

A healthy immune system can protect you from many diseases and infections. When you have old carpets in your home, your immunity will have to work hard to fight those bacteria. It will work continuously to prevent an infection.
Too much stress will weaken your immunity. Therefore, you will be prone to any infection.
Develops Allergies

Dust mites and mold can inflame and impact your lungs. As a result, you might experience red eyes and even a runny nose. You will experience it more often if you do not address the issue. You will always be suffering from some kind of allergy.
Allergies will impact the quality of your life.
Irritates Your Skin

You might know that dust mites and dirt irritate our skin. The trapped bacteria, mold, fungus, and dirt can contact your skin. They can cause different types of skin irritations. You might develop rashes, itching, and even an athlete’s foot.
Becomes a Safe Haven for Insects

Your old carpets can become a safe living place for different types of insects. Fleas, dust mites, and similar types of inspects can stay on your carpets. If you do not pay immediate attention, the number will be more.
They will spread to other areas. They can cause different types of health complications.
Collects Pet Germs

Your pets can pollute carpets the most. If you have any type of pets, you will have to clean your carpets regularly.
As mentioned earlier, old carpets attract more germs and dust. Pet feces and urines will go inside the carpet fibers. Pet waste can irritate your lung and can cause different infections.
Irritates Your Stomach

The mold in your old carpets can lead to many health complications. The mycotoxins in carpets can cause severe stomach infections and irritations. Old carpets can even host salmonella. The presence of salmonella can put your family at risk. Your younger kids are prone to this infection.
Causes Stress

In addition to the above health issues, old carpets can cause stress or mental anguish. It can impact your budget as well. When old carpets will cause different types of health issues, you might be constantly under pressure.
You will have to go through mental agony when some of your family members will be having health issues. You will have to address the issue fast to create a safe environment for your family.
Can Old Carpet Make You Sick? – Conclusion

Old carpets can cause more harm than your expectation. The impact will be both on your body and mind. It is not about you only. All your family members will breathe in an unhealthy environment.
However, you can address the issue immediately and improve the condition as soon as possible. You can consider replacing your old carpets. If your budget is restricted, you can go with cleaning. You can clean your old carpets to minimize the impact significantly.
You can replace them when your budget allows it.