Can Dry Cleaning Remove Stains?

Checking laundry for stains
In life, we do come across stains on our clothes at one time or the other. Removing these stains becomes necessary for good grooming and staying smart. Most people opt to have their clothes cry cleaned but the question is, will this remove the stains. Read on and find out a number of dry cleaning facts you have never heard of before.
While removing fresh stains can be quite an easy task and also the best way to do it, it is not always possible as you may be in a place where it is not possible to do so. For non-washable fabric, you need to take them to the drycleaner as soon as possible in order to have the stains removed. This way, you will have greater chances of removing the stains or at least reducing them.
Unfortunately, some stains are permanent and simply become part of the fabric. In case of continued attempts to remove the stain, the fabric will be damaged. One can be eager to remove a stain but also cautious so as not to damage the fabric in the process. In the case of stubborn stains, strong solutions are needed in addition to a significant amount of mechanical action in order to remove them. When taking the garment to the dry cleaner for cleaning, it is advisable to point out the stain. This way, the stain can be identified early enough and the correct type of treatment applied in order to remove the stain.
In recent days, garments are becoming more and more delicate especially the designer garments and the more costly ones. These should be taken care of properly and in case of stains, they have to be removed quickly before they become permanent. Most of the garments that have been stained are usually taken to the drycleaner because the person has been unable to remove the stain at home. With professional drycleaners, special solvents and equipment are used in order to remove or attempt to remove the stain.
Since not all kind of fabric can withstand the cleaning and stain removal agents used at the drycleaner, some stains cannot be removed. In order to get the best services you can at the drycleaner, always be honest and open with the type of stain and what caused it. You can also keep the care labels that come with the garments for easy reference when the time for cleaning becomes necessary. Care labels make it easy to do the dry cleaning properly and as efficiently as possible without damaging the garment.
It is also important to note that not all stains are visible as soon as they happen. Some stains could have been caused by oily substances, beverages or foods and become invisible when they are first spilled. However, with time a brown or yellowish stain starts to become visible. Such stains need to be pretreated before removal in order to increase the chances of removing it completely or at least make it look faded.
In conclusion, dry cleaning stain removing depends on the kind of stain and how long it has been on the garment. Not all kinds of stains can be removed as too much cleaning agents may damage the fabric. However, the stain can be reduced and become less visible.