4 Effective Tips On How To Clean Office Carpet Stains
Stains are such a pain especially if they occur in a professional setting such as the office. A stain on your office carpet will ruin the whole professional look that should always be upheld. Clients coming in will associate the stain with the company’s carelessness and neglect. It is therefore important to ensure that your official carpet is as clean and as spotless as possible. Stains are always better off handled when as soon as they happen than later. It is therefore advisable to ensure that you have all the office carpet stains removal techniques off head.
1. Ink stain
This is probably the most common stain in the office. If not cleaned off with immediate effect, the stain becomes bothersome hence needing professional cleaning. It is therefore advisable to identify the kind of stain first; ball point ink stain or fountain pen ink. Ball point ink stain is more troublesome as it is thick. In this case, dry up the ink completely as quick as possible. Thereafter, wipe the stain with methylated spirit or spray the area with a carpet stain remover. Keep wiping until it completely disappears. Fountain ink stains need to be diluted with soda water and washed out as much as possible. Thereafter, apply some warm soap flakes over the area and let it sit for about 15 minutes then clean it off.
2. Coffee Stain
This is a common stain in the break room or cafeteria. As soon as the coffee spills, prevent the coffee from spreading further by putting a towel or paper napkins over the mess. Drain off as much coffee as possible. After the stain is dry, clean the area with some soda water repeatedly if need be until it is all gone. This is the same stain removal procedure for tea stains.
3. Grease or Oil Stain
This is common especially in the technical room, kitchen and cafeteria. One should act fast in order to ensure that the grease doesn’t get sucked in to the carpet’s fibers. If this happens, the stain will show later on which will require professional carpet cleaning. In this case, once the grease/oil is spilled, put a blotting paper over the stain. Then gently put a piece of cloth over the paper. Use something warm in temperature such as a heated plate out of the microwave or a warm tea kettle over the piece of cloth. This will lead to the grease getting absorbed by the blotting paper. The piece of cloth prevents direct heat to the paper which will in turn melt the grease and into the carpet again.
4. Wine Stain
Watch out for this kind of stain during office parties. If you spill white wine, spray the stain with soda water and clean normally. If the mess is red wine stain, sprinkle some white wine or soda water over the stain. The soda water comes in handy by preventing the stain from discoloring the carpet as well as easy removal.
After all these carpet removal techniques have been applied, it is advisable to then clean the area with water and some detergent as much as possible to ensure that no stain is left lingering. Thereafter, vacuum the area dry so as to enable the spot to easily blend in with the rest of the carpet.